Meet our New Sperm Donors

New Sperm Donor Availability

New sperm donors who are currently listed on the Donor Search have or will have available specimens for sale. Specimens release every month from quarantine, so if a donor has no availability at the current time, we anticipate he will have units available soon. Another option is to sign up for donor availability notifications if there is currently no availability in the specimen type you need.

Detailed FAQs about the Donor Availability Notifications are also available and may answer most of your questions.

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New Sperm Donors:

New Fairfax Cryobank sperm donors are listed below in chronological order below.

Donor 6571

Donor 6571 is charming and charismatic. As an extrovert, he confidently walks into a crowd and immediately befriends someone. He is hilarious and always has something funny to say to make us smile in the office. Donor 6571’s keen interest in sports has given him an athletic build. He has a wonderful beige skin tone that pairs well with his facial features. He has mid length straight black hair, and his eyebrows are straight with a small curve towards the end. He has medium brown almond-shaped eyes that glisten when he smiles. His nose is well defined and straight. His radiant smile is enhanced by his full lips and great teeth. Donor 6571 is an energetic and uplifting person anyone would appreciate getting to know.

Donor 7359

Donor 7359 is a very passionate, strong, kind, and loyal individual. Inspired by his hardworking grandfather, he aspires to own his own business, give back to those he loves and become captain of his local fire department. He loves to dance, especially Merengue, Salsa, Bachata, and Two Step. Winning, as part of a team, brings him happiness as he is a natural competitor; basketball and football being his favorites. He likes cooking Italian and Mediterranean food. He values loyalty and honesty in his daily life while finding laughter and fun in everything he does. He is a fit man with an athletic build due to his lifelong passion for dancing, as well as working out and participating in team sports. He has thick wavy black hair and kind round, brown eyes. He is always seen smiling with raised eyebrows that showcase his slight dimples, and amazing personality.

Donor 7349

Donor 7349 is currently pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering and aspires to be an engineer for NASA or Tesla. For him this profession is an integral part of society that can provide both a fulfilling career and an interesting hobby. Donor 7349 is a tall young man who stays active by going rock climbing and hiking with his partner. He is also musically talented, playing the tuba and guitar, and currently learning the piano. He typically keeps his long brown hair pulled back, and his dark brown eyes complement his tan skin tone well. He has a big, beautiful smile and he keeps himself clean-shaven. His approach to life is to have no regrets in the end and just do what you can because everything happens for a reason.

Donor 7132

Donor 7132 is highly social and always eager to dive into conversations, especially about his passion for sports. As a professional tennis player, his dedication to the game is clear in his disciplined and energetic approach to life. With consistency and determination, he has already achieved much and aspires to coach professionally once his playing career ends. Donor 7132 is a striking individual with an athletic build and a powerful presence. His wavy, black hair adds to his distinctive look. He has oval-shaped, warm brown eyes that are framed by thick, well-groomed eyebrows, complementing his medium, almond skin tone. His short, groomed beard and full lips enhance his broad, engaging smile, which reveals a set of pearly white teeth.

Donor 7357

Donor 7357 is a kind-hearted and ambitious man. He prioritizes listening to people rather than giving immediate reactions. He comes from a family with a musical background and has learned to play the piano, percussion, and saxophone. He is an avid reader. Growing up he was exposed to people from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds and believes this granted him empathy and the ability to connect with others. Being an Eagle Scout was an important part of his up bringing as well. He maintains his fit physique by playing many sports ranging from basketball, soccer, volleyball, golfing with his friends, and skiing and snowboarding when he travels back home. He has beautiful eyelashes and bright shiny teeth. He has a friendly attitude every time he enters the office and comes professionally dressed.

Donor 7259

Donor 7259 is personable and responsible with a logical way of thinking. He grew up with both a Western and Eastern mindset, which helps him to understand a situation from multiple perspectives. He is very focused on family and makes spending time with them a priority. Through a series of small meaningful actions, he hopes to leave the world a better place. This donor is passionate about his work as an accountant because it enables him to assist families with their financial decisions. In his free time, he enjoys outdoor adventures such as biking, hiking, photography and exploring new locations. He has a well-proportioned and healthy physique due to his active lifestyle. He radiates confidence and friendliness.

Donor 7604

Donor 7604 is a confident, respectful man who is a proud member of the military. He is a cybersecurity specialist and eager to face any new tasks with determination. He takes pride in presenting himself well and being punctual, as it reflects his respect for himself and others. Patience is the cornerstone of his character; he approaches challenges with a calm demeanor. He cherishes his family above all and hopes to foster the love between them through family gatherings and traditions. He enjoys cooking from scratch, inspired by his family meals and his Cuban grandmother’s cherished recipes. Very active in his free time, he likes to be outside in nature, running, hiking or snowboarding. He has a muscular and athletic build. A handsome guy, he has engaging deep brown eyes.

Donor 7366

Donor 7366 is a caring and compassionate person. He is also a professional, business-minded man who aims to learn something new from every experience. With his growth mindset, he looks to make the best of his circumstances. He is passionate about gardening and enjoys how it teaches him to be patient. He has also been experimenting quite a bit with baking and has finally nailed making a perfect loaf of sourdough bread. He is a huge dog lover and will quickly show off pictures of his dog any chance he gets. He likes to run and play tennis, plays the piano, and after many hours of practice, juggle. He has bright green eyes and dark, straight hair. He is tanned from spending days outside in his garden and walking his dog. Being outdoors is something he tries to do every day. His gentle, sweet demeanor is evident when he interacts with us.

Donor 7337

Donor 7337 is a thoughtful, caring man who is determined to finish his degree and start his career as an engineer. Friendly and positive, he enjoys surrounding himself with the people he loves. He looks up to his father and others in his life who have demonstrated an unwavering work ethic, strong sense of responsibility, and the ability to provide for their families. He has respect and love for all people in his life and strives to help those less fortunate whenever he can. He enjoys playing football or soccer, hiking, swimming, or otherwise spending time outdoors with his friends in his free time. He is a tall, attractive and fit man. He has dark, curly hair often falls over his dark brown eyes which nicely accentuates his sienna skin. He’s also recently gotten into weightlifting which is further refining his body.

Donor 7502

Donor 7502 is a joyful and kind person. He is very engaged in his arts career and very passionate about acting, teaching and directing. Well mannered, he has a caring demeanor. In his free time, he loves to be in nature hiking, biking or just being in motion. He is very close to his family and has many happy childhood memories. He has a fit slim build. His dark blonde hair becomes more golden in the sunlight. His eyes are a light blue and have a hint of green at the center. He has fair skin and a kind smile that warms your heart.

Donor 7352

Donor 7352 is creative, outspoken, and strong-willed. He is very skilled when it comes to filmmaking and photography, excelling at Photoshop and video editing. He has special skills in public speaking and writing and hopes to work for a media network one day. Even with all his various hobbies and interests, he has also found time to gain experience as a runway model. His approach to life is to stay organized but also be spontaneous because life shouldn’t be stagnant. Food, family, and fulfilling daily accomplishments make him happy. He is a very funny person and has a playful demeanor. He stays fit by running and going to the gym. This donor is bright, confident and independent and you can see it in the way he carries himself.

Donor 7355

Donor 7355 is easy-going, hardworking, and happy. He lives by the mantra ‘do no harm’ and strives to be kind whenever possible. He is soft spoken with a gentle demeanor. He works as a pediatric registered nurse and aspires to work his way up to become a nursing manager. Staying calm under pressure is natural for him. Growing up in a close-knit community allowed him to develop the skills necessary for making new friends. He owes much to his mother and sisters for the love and support they offered him. He is a handsome young gentleman who keeps fit and active by playing basketball, flag football, and running. His short brown hair corresponds well with his shiny brown eyes and freckled fair skin.

Donor 7603

Donor 7603 is a bright, articulate man who is charming and confident. He has an optimistic, joyful and outgoing personality. His degree in engineering and an advanced degree in business have led him to a successful career path. He enjoys volunteering in the community coaching youth or helping with local book drives. His competitive spirit shines through on the greens of golf courses and the courts of basketball arenas. He expresses himself artistically by playing the violin and Chinese flute. He is tall and slim with an athletic build. His captivating smile, adorned with immaculate teeth and slight dimples, can light up any room. His straight black hair frames his face with an air of elegance and refinement.

Donor 7262

Donor 7262 is a positive, relaxed man focused on his goals. A nurse anesthetist, pursuing an advanced degree, he is very bright and articulate. His kind, patient nature fits well with his career in healthcare. His adventurous spirit leads him to activities like scuba diving, skydiving, and skiing, alongside simpler pursuits such as working out and spending time with friends and family. He expresses his creativity through music, particularly singing. He surrounds himself with optimistic and energetic individuals who inspire and motivate him. Very attractive, he has striking blond hair, a nice smile and pretty blue eyes. His build is tall and athletic. His voice is deep and pleasing.

Donor 7356

Donor 7356 is a well-travelled, adventurous man who aspires to learn something from every experience. He loves to immerse himself in other cultures and never shies away from a challenge. He is hard-working and goal oriented. His career as s a translator and interpreter, allows him to immerse himself in the cultures he admires, and he finds great satisfaction in it. He values being courteous, thoughtful and respectful. He is focused on self-improvement and modeling the virtues that he admires in others. Always cheerful and smiling, we have never seen him have a bad day. He has a lean, athletic build from his time spent hiking, rock climbing and playing disc golf. He has long, wavy light blond hair that complements his oval-shaped blue eyes. His warm smile and expressive eyes highlight his approachable and friendly demeanor.

Donor 7400

Donor 7400 is a calm, reserved and curious individual. He has developed strong leadership skills from his 5 years in the Marines. He is articulate and thoughtful and stands up for the underdog when he sees the need. His creative talent for writing and drawing has been recognized and he is a published author. Each time this donor interacts with the staff, he is calm with a gentle demeanor. An avid reader, he is always looking for new things to learn. Empathy and determination are the qualities that he values in himself and others. He has smooth brown skin, and a gentle smile surrounded by a mustache and goatee. A distance runner and biking enthusiast, he stays very active. His athleticism has given him a slim and fit build.

Donor 7263

Donor 7263 has a calm and thoughtful demeanor. He is close to his family, especially his mother. He grew up in a blended family and empathizes with those who face similar challenges. He enjoys reading, drawing, rock climbing and creating music on the computer. Learning to cook by taking culinary classes is a favorite activity. Being outside in nature and playing with his pets are part of his daily routine. He has 3 dogs and 2 cats and is devoted to them. Honesty and humility are values he holds in high regard, often seeking out these qualities in others. Tall, lean and fit, he has a casual vibe. He has a shy smile and a quiet charm about him that makes him very approachable.

Donor 7125

Donor 7125 is a driven man who likes to keep busy. A master of many sports, including boxing, basketball, and sailing, he has achieved significant recognition at the highest levels. His hard work and natural curiosity for many things drive him to become an expert in whatever he pursues. He likes to draw and play guitar in his free time. Currently studying psychology, he aspires to become a doctor so that he can cultivate a thriving, healthy community around him. One day he hopes to establish a foundation supporting homeless children. His lean fit build comes from a lifelong dedication to exercise. He is very charismatic with a beautiful smile.

Donor 7251

Donor 7251 is a sweet, patient and caring man. He shows respect and compassion to those around him. He loves his family and closely identifies with his mother, to whom he would give all the credit for who he is today. He chose his career path as a dietitian because he wanted to help people and appreciates his role in helping them deal with more than their dietary needs. He takes care of himself as well by exercising and spending time outdoors. He likes to run, hike, bike and play golf, tennis and pickleball. He also enjoys thrifting to help reduce waste as well as save money. He has flowing, curly blond hair and calming blue eyes. His lean, fit build comes from his dedication to his healthy lifestyle choices. His smile is charming and endearing. This donor speaks and acts with confidence.

Donor 7260

Donor 7260 is a kind and respectful person with a steady temperament. He is a people pleaser and is always eager to lend a hand to others. In life, he makes it a goal to always give it his all, whether at home with his family or while at work. He was raised with the opportunity to explore many different sports as a child and still loves being an active participant to this day. In his free time, he likes spending time at the family cabin, going on walks with the dog, and watching movies. He is tall and has a well-toned athletic build. He has a round face and bright blue oval eyes. He keeps his straight, dirty blonde hair styled shorter on the sides and longer up top. His skin tone is light and fair, complementing his light pink lips and clean-shaven face.