Donor 5590
Donor 5590 is a man who focuses on being a kind, caring person. Lighthearted with a positive approach to life, he has a silly side and says, “Laughter is happiness.” He is a humble individual and takes pleasure in small day-to-day things. His passion is to help others, so being an EMT is very rewarding to him. For the last 10 years he has been a coach of a special needs basketball team in his free time. A few of his favorite hobbies are running, hiking, reading, and snowboarding. He enjoys sci-fi fantasies and is really drawn into drama and action movies. He also has musical talent and plays several instruments. His athletic build is the result of his devotion to weightlifting and running. He has fair skin and thick brown hair, which he wears short and neat. The first feature we noticed were his beautiful brown eyes, which complement his other features nicely.