Aspectos Físicos:
Donor 5395 has lustrous black hair, kept slightly long so that he can sweep it up and off to the side. His lips are naturally tinted a deep shade of rose, with a well-defined Cupid’s bow, and his thick eyebrows sit atop soulful blue eyes. This donor has no problem maintaining a full beard if he wants to, but he prefers to keep his face shaved with a perpetual 5 o’clock shadow. Spending many years playing soccer, his legs are powerful, with the muscles distinctly toned. He prefers to keep his legs covered when he’s not on the pitch, usually visiting the office in a nice polo shirt and jeans.
Donor 5395 lives by the motto “Always learn and grow,” and he knows that even a failure is a chance to learn. He believes that no matter the values you possess, the existence of those morals and principles that you live by define who you are, and bring you one step closer to accepting who you are. Close with his family and friends, donor 5395 doesn’t care about material possessions and instead spends his time and money on experiences that he can share with others to make long-lasting memories.
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