Aspectos Físicos:
Donor 5288 has full, dark brown hair that has slight waves. His defined jawline and arched eyebrows highlight the key features of his face. His dark brown eyes pop from his sun-kissed complexion. This donor has a tall, six foot frame and athletic build, which is indicative of his love of working out and playing sports. His straight white teeth shine from his clean-shaven face.
Donor 5288 is a naturally curious person. He is always talking to the staff about their backgrounds and interests. He is wants to learn something new every day. Casual and laid back at all times, this donor is always ready to spend an evening hanging out with friends and family. When this donor isn’t busy with work, you can find him at the gym or riding his motorcycle. We have enjoyed getting to know this donor and we always look forward to seeing him and his contagious smile.
Para saber mais sobre a personalidade desse doador, veja o resultado do Perfil de Personalidade Kersey dele.
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