Aspectos Físicos:
Donor 6152 is a tan and athletic person who puts effort into taking care of his body. He stays fit by running and exercising regularly along with making sure he eats healthy. His interest in exercising started when he was in middle school and has continued ever since. He is proud of his physical achievements and is always trying to find new exercises to try. Donor 6152 is always smiling and a pleasure to talk to in the office.
Donor 6152 is a positive, goal-oriented individual. He enjoys reading and values the lessons books can teach that can be applied to everyone’s life. He is hopeful about his career in finance and is willing to work hard to be successful. He is self-aware about his weaknesses and constantly tries to improve them. Living each day aiming to be better and do better than the day before, he also wants to encourage others to do the same and improve themselves in the process. His creativity shines in his problem-solving skills and ability to construct new exercise plans to try. His infectious positive attitude encourages those around him to stay optimistic. Donor 6152 is friendly and enthusiastic when talking to others.
Para saber mais sobre a personalidade desse doador, veja o resultado do Perfil de Personalidade Kersey dele.
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