Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?My most memorable childhood experience has to be my family’s cruise trip through Cuba and the islands. What made it such a great experience was the island hopping and seeing the culture change on each island. And of course, I cannot forget about the unlimited frozen yogurt on the ship!
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I definitely identify with my dad the most. When it comes to someone who always has a smile on his face and a glass half-full mindset, it's him. I just hope that I can be the father to my kids as he was to my brother and me.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?The two biggest traits that I admire are drive and sincerity. Being open and sincere is so important to me because it shows that you're willing to be vulnerable and open to others. I also admire drive because it is so cool to see someone who believes in themselves and consistently fights the adversity and achieves their goals.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?Well, certainly one of the most memorable was removing my braces on my own! Due to my family moving, my parents had a difficult time finding another orthodontist for my brother and me. After about 4 months of not getting my braces tightened, I decided that it was best if I take them off myself (because 8th graders know best). I tried taking them off in my middle school bathroom, not realizing the glue does not come off! So, when I got home that night from school, my mom decided to take me the next day to get my teeth cleaned.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I think the first place I would travel would be Rome. There is something about that city that absolutely fascinates me. I think one of the biggest reasons is understanding the scale of a civilization that large, but also just how advanced and organized the city was for its time.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?One of the most important things I would like to pass on to my children is the importance of honesty and a willingness to fail forward. So many people in today's time become anxious and scared of taking risks and overcoming that fear has brought me a lot of joy. If my kids understand that it is okay to fail and find some joy in the process, then I'm going to be a happy dad!