Aspectos Físicos:
Donor 5816 is a masculine man with a muscular build. He has a full set of luscious lips with attractive brown eyes. He is fond of facial hair located on his chin but other times he is clean-shaven. He dresses with sharp button up shirts and slacks on days he heads to work but prefers comfortable clothing such as sweatpants and a t-shirt on his relaxing days. His smile is contagious with perfect straight teeth.
Donor 5816 walks with confidence and he has a warm and approachable attitude. He unexpectedly found his calling teaching children and finds helping the next generation grow and develop deeply rewarding. Although he seems to be carefree, he is highly observant and inquisitive. Donor 5816 is a natural leader; his ambitious and hardworking nature enables him to inspire and encourage his students. His love of athletics is how he got started working with students as a coach. In his free time, he enjoys playing a myriad of sports from football to tennis.
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