Aspectos Físicos:
Donor 7359 is a fit man with an athletic build due to his lifelong passion for dancing and exercising. Coming from a family of dancers, it was no surprise that he naturally started dancing Merengue, Salsa, Bachata, and Two Step at a young age. He has kept physically fit throughout his life by participating in sports like football, rugby, baseball, basketball, and golf since high school and college. He has long, wavy black hair which he keeps neatly pulled back. His round, brown eyes complement his medium skin tone well. He is always seen smiling with raised eyebrows that showcase his kind, slight dimples, and amazing personality.
Donor 7359 is a very passionate, strong, kind, and loyal individual. Following in his grandfather’s footsteps, he aspires to be successful by having his own business, and to become captain of his local fire department. Currently, he works as a material handler for a large automotive company. Winning brings him happiness as a natural competitor with basketball and football being his favorite among the other sports. He enjoys winning as a team and nothing beats the feeling of being able to achieve a shared goal. He also enjoys watching and analyzing movies with his friends for hours. He likes cooking Italian and Mediterranean food with his favorite dish being lamb with shrimp. He values loyalty and honesty in his daily life while finding laughter and fun in everything he does. He is participating in the donor program to help others achieve their goal of having a family and wishes to one day have a family of his own.
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