Donor 6550 is a charismatic gentleman who stands out with his tall physique and medium-length black curls. He is currently sporting a nicely trimmed beard that frames his bright smile. He has an athletic build that can be attributed to healthy eating and active participation in baseball. He has brown eyes that can give a glimpse of his confidence and passion in life.
Donor 6550 is a hardworking and ambitious individual. He is currently studying for a bachelor's degree in business administration. His diligence has earned him a spot on the dean’s list. In the long run, he sees himself pursuing a master’s degree and a career as an MLB sports analyst. On his downtime, he appreciates spending time with family and friends. He values the relationships he has and looks forward to having a family of his own. Donor 6550 also enjoys a good laugh and watching sports. He consistently strives to be the best person that he can be and to lead a happy and fulfilling life.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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