Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?I couldn’t choose a most memorable experience because, in childhood, the experiences are lived with a maximum of intensity. But the ones related to my family, the special moments when I was discovering the happiness of being together, are coming to my mind. I remember with pleasure the times when we were decorating the Christmas tree together, and later, when growing up, I found out that my parents were not the ones who brought the presents under the tree. It didn’t matter anymore because the symbol of the day was more important.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?The family member with whom I closely identify myself is my mother. I have always admired her character and her strength to succeed beyond all of the hardships and obstacles brought by her wish to make the way of her children in life as clean as possible. She passed on to me the determination and the motivation to accept that the obstacles exist only to be surpassed.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?The character traits that I most admire in an individual are character and integrity because they are qualities on which a sincere relationship between people has to be based in order to build something together. Furthermore, I admire one’s capacity to accept his/her character traits and be himself/herself with sincerity, as well as with the will to self-surpass or to self-optimize. I also admire one’s acceptance of and tolerance for the others who could be and, most likely, are different.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?There were many funny things to happen and it’s hard for me to choose one. But the funniest events to me were the ones in which I felt embarrassed. Of course, the fun comes after the event… I remember I was in high school and, together with my classmates, we used to pass by our teachers’ houses on Christmas Eve and sing carols. One time, we were at the house of one of the most respected teachers in the school. She offered us cakes, cookies and red wine. The wine was very strong I remember… homemade. As we were chatting with each other and the teacher, we didn’t realize how fast the time had passed and how “enthusiastic” we had become. At one point, I realized the teacher left the living room. Later I wanted to eat a cake, but they were all gone. Because of too much excitement, I said something that I don’t usually say: “What’s wrong with the teacher, can’t she see there are no more cakes?” And someone responded: “Sure, my friend, just a moment…” Of course, it was the teacher. She had returned to the room without my noticing. What an embarrassment! It was one of those moments when you don’t want to say anything and wait for the day to pass. It was only the second day when I could laugh again.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?If time and money were not an issue, I would travel to Europe to see great museums and places that breathe culture and civilization, such as Florence, Venice, Rome, Paris, Barcelona, or Vienna. I would also like to discover mystical places or new worlds, but with old roots, such as Japan.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I would like to pass on to my children integrity, the strength and determination to self-exceed, optimism and positive attitudes towards life, and tolerance and respect for others and for themselves equally.