Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?My most memorable childhood experiences are the times I had playing with my friends and hanging out with my father. I remember waking up every day and helping my grandmother with her garden and then meeting up with friends and riding our bikes to the beach. I was always known as an outdoor/sporty kid, so I'd spend hours after sunset playing basketball and tennis on the lit courts or in the park swinging with my father.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I closely identify with my first cousin due to our shared experiences growing up. Although we were cousins, we saw each other as brothers. We share the same likes regarding mechanical hobbies, sports, and an urge to bike with friends all over the island. My cousin is the closest family member I have.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?An individual's personality is the most important trait that I admire. Throughout the years, I've realized that there's more to a person than their physical appearance. You begin to learn the good and bad of an individual and calculate their risks to your ideals when you are aware of their cognitive behaviors.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?I was in 3rd grade playing soccer during lunch. During the middle of the game, I felt something on my back but didn't think anything of it. I noticed that everyone was looking at me funny and laughing and I didn't know what they were laughing about. When I got home, I realized that there was a big stain on my shirt. When I was playing soccer a bird pooped on me and no one said anything about it.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?If time and money were not an issue, I would love to travel to Africa and Antarctica because of their historic significance to humanity. I'd like to know the truth about the land covered in ice. Africa is known as the "motherland" rich in natural resources and diverse cultures. I'm more interested in the historic and cultural aspects of Africa, specifically the Pyramids of Giza, the damaged Sphinx, and the sealed underground sectors of the "Osiris Shaft". The desire to know the "unknowns" piques my curiosity.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?Financial Education: Learn what money is. Know the power of it along with the ways of leveraging credit. Discipline: know when to pick your battles. I want my children to know how to conduct themselves in a public setting, whether it is public or professional. Business Management: my children will be able to know how to establish and properly structure a business so that they can maximize their cashflow, income, and tax benefits. My children will know the basics when it comes to survival skills. They will know the 3 main requirements for survival (food, shelter, water). They will know how to fish, plant, set traps, and know how to filter dirty water into drinking water.