Fairfax Cryobank
Donor 2369 Medical Profile

Personal Behavior History
Donor Genetic History
Donor Medical History
Family Medical History

Personal Behavior History
Alcohol use:
If yes, oz./week and type of alchohol:
 Occasionally - 48 oz beer/week
Any relatives with alcoholism?
If yes, relation and age affected:
Tobacco use: Do you smoke?
If yes, #/day and for how long:
If you did smoke but quit, when did you last smoke? N/A
How many packs per day? 0
For how many years? 0
Do you sleep well? Yes
Do you exercise on regular basis? Yes
Is your diet well balanced?
If no, explain:
Any dietary restrictions?
If yes, explain:

Sexual History

Have you ever had sex with:
Another man anal or oral, even once, since 1977? No
A person having non-medical intravenous, intramuscular, or subcutaneous injection of drugs not prescribed by a physician for medical purposes since 1977? No
A person having engaged in sex in exchange for money or drugs at any time since 1977? No
A person who has had sex with another person described in any of the above in the preceding 12 months? No

Have you:
Have you been exposed to known or suspected HIV-infected blood through percutaneous inoculation or through contact with an open wound, non-intact skin, or mucous membrane within the preceding 12 months?  No

Donor Genetic History
Were you born with any birth defects?
If yes, explain:
Are there any known genetic conditions or birth defects in your family? No
Have you been tested for Cystic Fibrosis?
If yes, the result:
 Yes - Non Carrier for at least 86 mutations
Have you been tested for Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Disorder?
If yes, the result:
 Yes - Non carrier

Are you of Jewish ancestry?
If yes, please note: Ashkenazi, Sephardi, or Other

If you are of Jewish ancestry, have you been tested as a carrier of any of the following diseases?
Tay Sachs:
If yes, result(s):
If yes, result(s):
If yes, result(s):

Are you of African ancestry? No
If yes, have you been tested as a carrier of sickle cell anemia? N/A
If yes, result: N/A
Are you of Mediterranean, Greek or Italian ancestry? Yes
If yes, have you been tested as a carrier of thalassemia? Yes
If yes, result: Non Carrier

Have you, any member of your family, or any relative had or currently have any of the following conditions? Explain any conditions, indicating which side of the family (maternal/paternal), the age of the family member at the onset of the condition/
problem, and any other pertinent information.
Heart attack 
Grandparent - Paternal grandfather at age 65 and maternal grandfather at age 81
Congenital heart disease 
Hemophilia/bleeding problem 
Severe bleeding tendency 
Cystic Fibrosis 
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Disorder 
Pyloric stenosis 
Inflammatory bowel disease 
Diabetes mellitus requiring insulin therapy. 
Diabetes mellitus not requiring insulin therapy. 
PKU or inherited metabolism disorder 
Progressive kidney disease 
Polycystic kidney disease 
Miscarriages or stillborn 
Herpes simplex virus, genital 
Mental retardation 
Senility or mental deterioration before age 60 
Neural tube defects - open spine or hypocephalus/water on the brain 
Huntington's disease 
Tuberous sclerosis 
Parkinson's disease 
Down's syndrome/Mongolism 
Manic depressive psychosis 
Muscular dystrophy 
Loss of muscle coordination 
Rheumatoid arthritis 
Reiter's disease 
Club foot 
Deafness before age of 60 
Cataracts before age of 60 
Blindness in both eyes before age of 60 
More than 5 purple or coffee-colored spots on the skin (size of a quarter or larger) 
Drug abuse, misuse, or addiction 
Cleft palate or cleft lip 
Serious birth defects 
Inguinal hernia 
Premature degeneration of any organ system 
The same cancer in more than one family member 

Donor Medical History
List any operations:
Year & reason:
 2000 Wisdom tooth removal
Hospitalization other than surgery:
Year & type of illness:
Have you ever had any broken bones?
If yes, please describe:
Have you ever had any serious illnesses?
If yes, please describe:
How many days in the past 12 months could you not work because of all illness (colds, flu, accidents, surgery, etc)?
Please describe:
Are you presently under a physician's care for any reason?
If yes, please describe:
List all drugs you have taken in past 12 months (prescription, nonprescription, herbal, and sports supplements, and recreational). Include drug, frequency and duration taken, and reason: Mulivitamin every day
List all current medication or treatments (include vitamins, aspirin, antacids, laxatives, herbal, sports supplements, etc.) Include drug, frequency and duration taken, and reason: Multivitamin every day
Do you wear glasses or contact lenses?
Are you near or far-sighted?
 Yes - Near-sighted
Usual weight? 140
Recent loss or gain?
# of lbs and reason:
Allergies (medicines, food, pollens)?
If yes, please list substance and reaction caused:
Have you ever had occupational exposure to radiation or chemicals?
If yes, please describe:
Have you had a fever with headache in the last seven days?
If yes, when and why?
Have you ever been refused as a blood donor?
If yes, when and why?
Have you been tested for HIV (AIDS)?
If yes, when:
 Yes - 2005, negative
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Number of current sexual partners: 1
Has any sexual partner ever been positive for HIV (AIDS)?
If yes, describe:
Has any sexual partner had an episode of trichmoniasis?
If yes, describe:
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
If yes, please explain:
Have you ever had a tattoo?
If yes, what year did you get the tattoo?
 Yes - 1996, 2002, 2003, 2004
Have you ever had your ear(s) or body pierced?
If yes, where and what year?
 Yes - 1996, bilateral earlobes
Have you had a blood transfusion in the last 12 months?
If yes, what was the date of the transfusion?
Have you ever received pituitary-derived human growth hormone?
If yes, what year?
Have you been diagnosed with hemophilia or a related clotting disorder and received human derived clotting factor concentrates (non-viral inactivated Factor VIII or Factor IX concentrate)?
If yes, what year?

Please indicate whether you currently have, have had in the past, or have ever been treated for:
Hydrocele No
Syphilis No
Blood transfusion No
Prolonged fever No
Herpes No
Fever above 101 F (in the past 3 months) No
Hepatitis B, C, other No
Orchitis No
Genital Warts/Papillomavirus No
Epididymitis No
Liver disease No
Prostatitis No
Renal disease No
Mumps w/testes involved No
Diabetes No
Urethritis No
Psychiatric disorders No
Varicocele No
Undescended testicle No
Tuberculosis No
Alzheimer's disease No
Multiple sclerosis No
Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD or vCJD) No
Note any comments regarding above items: N/A

Indicate conditions occurring now or in the past:
rashes, color change No
frequent urinating No
itching No
waking to urinate
# of times / night:
warts, moles No
cancer No
eczema, lumps, hives No
sores or discharge No
very dry skin No
bleeding or bruising No
excessive sweating No
trouble swallowing No
minor injury No
poor appetite No
anemia No
gas, cramps, pains No
lymph node or gland swelling No
heartburn, indigestion No
ear trouble, infection No
nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea No
blood in stool or black stool No
hearing loss, ringing in ear No
yellow jaudice, hepatitis B or C No
eye problems No
hemorrhoids No
nosebleeds No
hernia No
sore throats No
gall bladder problems No
stuffy nose, sinus trouble, hay fever No
pains in joints, arthritis No
high blood pressure No
swollen joints No
hoarseness No
back pain, neck pain No
dental or gum problems No
head injury, concussion No
enlarged or painful breasts No
headaches No
breast lumps No
dizziness, fainting No
discharge from nipples No
convulsions, seizures, fits No
shortness of breath No
shaking, tremor No
cough, chest colds No
weakness, paralysis No
bringing up sputum with blood No
numbness, tingling No
wheezing, asthma No
difficulty walking, coordination No
chest pain, pleurisy No
poor circulation, varicose veins No
TB or exposure to TB No
depression, anxiety No
fevers, sweats, chills No
poor sleeping No
pneumonia No
nervousness, tension No
fast or irregular heartbeat No
trouble thinking, remembering No
chest pain, tightness, pressure No
crying, upset, worrying No
trouble breathing when lying down No
sexual problems No
waking short of breath No
goiter, thyroid problems No
swelling of feet or ankles No
blood clots No
previous heart trouble No
murmurs or rheumatic fever No
CMV IgG AntibodyNegative
CMV IgM AntibodyNegative
Any other comments N/A

Family Medical History

Complete for each of the following relatives. List all specific health problems, operations, and/or causes of death (include stillborns, infant deaths and childhood deaths) for each individual.

Your Mother
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  48   
 Health Problem
 Living / Dead Living  

Your Father
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  48   
 Health Problem
 Living / Dead Living  


Your Brother 1
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  16   
 Health Problem
 Living / Dead Living  

Your Brother 2
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  19   
 Health Problem
 Living / Dead Living  

Your Brother 3
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  22   
 Health Problem
 Living / Dead Living  


Your Sister 1
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  15   
 Health Problem
 Living / Dead Living  

Your Sister 2
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  25   
 Health Problem
 Living / Dead Living  

Your Mother's Father
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  93   
 Health Problem
 Heart attack 81
 Died of natural causes 93
 Living / Dead Dead  

Your Mother's Mother
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  75   
 Health Problem
 Died of natural causes 75
 Living / Dead Dead  

Your Mother's Brothers 1
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  61   
 Health Problem
 Living / Dead Living  

Your Father's Father
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  75   
 Health Problem
 Heart attack 65
 Died of natural causes 75
 Living / Dead Dead  

Your Father's Mother
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  69   
 Health Problem
 Living / Dead Living  

Your Father's Sisters 1
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  52   
 Health Problem
 Living / Dead Living  

Your Father's Sisters 2
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  50   
 Health Problem
 Living / Dead Living  

Your Father's Sisters 3
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  32   
 Health Problem
 Rhabdomysarcoma - soft tissue tumor 32
 Living / Dead Dead  

Your Father's Brothers 1
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  43   
 Health Problem
 Living / Dead Living