
(177 cm)
155 lb
(70 kg)
Eye Color:
Skin Tone:
Blood Type:
Ethnic Background:
BS/Biological Science
Veterinary Technician


Question Response
Have you or any of your family members been diagnosed with alcoholism or drug addiction?
If yes, relation and age affected:
Yes - Mother, age 33
Any dietary restrictions?
If yes, explain:
Do you wear glasses or contact lenses?
Are you near or far-sighted?
Yes - Near-sighted
Allergies (medicines, food, pollens)?
If yes, please list substance and reaction caused:
CMV IgG AntibodyPositive
CMV IgM AntibodyNegative
Note any comments regarding above items:N/A

Family Medical History
See list of questions asked here

Question Response Comment/Age Affected
Current age or age at death 47
Health Problem Arthritis in hands, no treatment46
Alcohol abuse, treated through Alcoholics Anonymous, no longer an abuser33
Living / DeadLiving
Question Response Comment/Age Affected
Current age or age at death 41
Health Problem Diabetes mellitus; No treatment required39
High blood pressure; No treatment required39
Living / DeadLiving
Question Response Comment/Age Affected
Current age or age at death 22
Health Problem Healthy 
Living / DeadLiving
Question Response Comment/Age Affected
Current age or age at death 17
Health Problem Healthy (Half-sister) 
Living / DeadLiving
Question Response Comment/Age Affected
Current age or age at death 70
Health Problem Healthy 
Living / DeadLiving
Question Response Comment/Age Affected
Current age or age at death 72
Health Problem Healthy 
Living / DeadLiving
Question Response Comment/Age Affected
Current age or age at death 49
Health Problem Healthy 
Living / DeadLiving
Question Response Comment/Age Affected
Current age or age at death 70
Health Problem High blood pressure, treats with prescription medication68
Living / DeadLiving
Question Response Comment/Age Affected
Current age or age at death 70
Health Problem Diabetes mellitus, treats with insulin69
Living / DeadLiving
Question Response Comment/Age Affected
Current age or age at death 46
Health Problem Healthy 
Living / DeadLiving
Question Response Comment/Age Affected
Current age or age at death 39
Health Problem Healthy 
Living / DeadLiving


Faith Christian
Denomination Roman Catholic

Updates to Profile

Update AvailableYes
Updates - PersonalNo change to donor Personal Profile: January 2012, August 2012, January 2013. Update received March 2014: Donor has updated his degree program to Biological Science and Geographic Information Systems. Update received September 2014: Donor has completed his undergraduate degree and is employed as a veterinary technician. No change to donor Personal Profile: October 2017.
Updates - MedicalNo change to donor Medical Profile: January 2012, January 2013. Update received April 2013: Donor's CMV status is updated to IgG Antibody positive. CMV IgM Antibody remains negative. No change to donor Medical Profile: March 2014, October 2017.
Updates - Family Medical HistoryNo change to donor Family Medical History: January 2012. Update received August 2012: Father is no longer receiving treatment for Diabetes mellitus or for high blood pressure. No change to donor Family Medical History: January 2013, March 2014. Update received October 2017: Paternal grandmother has died of liver cancer at age 76.