Cryogenic Laboratories, Inc.
Donor 4198 Summary Profile

Family Medical History
Updates to Profile

Race Cauc
Ethnic Background German/German-Polish
Height 5'11''
Weight 164
Eye Color Blue
Hair Brown/Straight
Skin Tone Meddk
Blood Type A+
Education BA/Mathematics
Occupation Student
Interests Sports/Movies/Music

Any dietary restrictions?
If yes, explain:
Do you wear glasses or contact lenses?
Are you near or far-sighted?
Allergies (medicines, food, pollens)?
If yes, please list substance and reaction caused:
CMV IgG AntibodyNegative
CMV IgM AntibodyNegative
Note any comments regarding above items: N/A

Family Medical History

Your Mother
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  50   
 Health Problem
 Living / Dead Living  

Your Father
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  50   
 Health Problem
 Hay fever, treated with over-the-counter medication 30
 High blood pressure, treated with medication 47
 Living / Dead Living  


Your Brother 1
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  20   
 Health Problem
 Living / Dead Living  


Your Sister 1
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  24   
 Health Problem
 Pneumonia, treated with medication 13
 Living / Dead Living  

Your Mother's Father
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  79   
 Health Problem
 Lung cancer, no treatment 79
 Cause of death: Lung cancer 79
 Living / Dead Dead  

Your Mother's Mother
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  89   
 Health Problem
 Alzheimer's, no treatment 87
 Cause of death: Alzheimer's 89
 Living / Dead Dead  

Your Mother's Sisters 1
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  66   
 Health Problem
 Breast cancer, treated with radiation and chemotherapy 50
 Living / Dead Living  

Your Mother's Brothers 1
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  65   
 Health Problem
 Living / Dead Living  

Your Mother's Brothers 2
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  63   
 Health Problem
 Living / Dead Living  

Your Father's Father
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  72   
 Health Problem
 Heart attack, treated with stent 52
 Heart disease, treated with medication 55
 Heart attack, no treatment 72
 Cause of death: Heart attack 72
 Living / Dead Dead  

Your Father's Mother
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  72   
 Health Problem
 Living / Dead Living  

Your Father's Sisters 1
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  32   
 Health Problem
 Living / Dead Living  

Your Father's Sisters 2
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  45   
 Health Problem
 Living / Dead Living  

Your Father's Brothers 1
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  48   
 Health Problem
 Living / Dead Living  

Your Father's Brothers 2
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  46   
 Health Problem
 Living / Dead Living  

Your Father's Brothers 3
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  43   
 Health Problem
 Living / Dead Living  

Your Father's Brothers 4
QuestionResponseComment/Age Affected
 Current age or age at death  38   
 Health Problem
 Living / Dead Living  

Faith  Christian
Denomination  Catholic

Updates to Profile
Update Available Yes
Updates - Personal Update received June 2012: Donor has graduated college with a BA in Mathematics. Update received February 2013: Occupation changed to Technical Services. No change to donor Personal Profile: January 2015.
Updates - Medical No change to donor Medical Profile: June 2012, February 2013, January 2015.
Updates - Family Medical History No change to donor Family Medical History: June 2012, February 2013, January 2015.