Physical Appearance:
Donor 4933 is tall, dark, and handsome. He has wavy brown hair, thick eyebrows with a soft arch, and long voluminous eyelashes that beautifully frame his dark dreamy eyes. Donor 4933 has full lips to go with his radiant, impeccable complexion. Always clean-shaven and dressed well, he looks polished and proper.
Donor 4933 has a calm and collected demeanor and a serious nature. He is moderately talkative and, although he can come across as intense, he also has a fun, creative side which he expresses by playing guitar and singing. Whenever he smiles, it lights up the whole room. He has a warm and welcoming disposition, and is trustworthy and reliable. He is dedicated and hardworking. Always busy with school and other activities, he still finds time to spend with his family and friends.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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