What is your most memorable childhood experience? | The Adirondacks! Many great times there with family and the Boy Scouts. I also loved running around with the neighborhood kids growing up. My dog! |
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why? | My dad. We have a similar sense of humor, and easily identify and relate to those different from us. We both also love history, reading, and had many similar political points of view. As I got older we became closer, especially as I experienced more of the world. |
What character traits do you admire in an individual? | Hmm, this is a tough one. I admire self-aware, analytical and thoughtful people who take action. It's important to think things through, but you have to take action. I also really admire socially savvy people. Some people are skilled in their handling of our fellow human beings. These are traits I admire. |
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you? | I taught English in China for two years. I'm also 6' 2". One of my students said, in front of the entire class, "It is well known on campus you look like a chop stick." HILARIOUS! |
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why? | Throughout Africa. I taught English in China for two years, have been to Europe eight times, Asia three times, and the Middle East once but have yet to make it to Africa. The vastness of the continent intrigues me. I need to get there. |
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them? | Listen. Think. Plan. ACT. Travel. Time is ticking! Be kind. Be brave. |