Donor 5062 is very handsome. He keeps his hair cut short on the sides and long on the top. He combs it back in a light swoosh on the top of his head. His smile is the first thing that you see when he walks into the room, because he is always sporting one, and because it is enchanting due to this little dimple on his right side. He has a medium skin tone that plays well with his black hair and makes his chocolate eyes come to life with excitement. Donor 5062 has a naturally fit build that he maintains with ease. He is not the type to wear clothing that shows off his well-toned body, but there is always a glimmer of it showing through in his confidence. Donor 5062 is very charming; with his permanent smile he makes you feel completely at ease, like any problem you have is now manageable. This donor is for sure the kind of man that could steal your attention with a quick glance at his heartwarming smile.
There is so much to say about Donor 5062. Let's start off with the fact that he can make even the most stubbornly serious person laugh. He has one of those personalities that is completely consuming and infectious. His favorite quality about himself is that he is overly optimistic, and we must agree that it is a personality trait that makes him a magnet for others. When Donor 5062 comes into the room you would see him with a smile on his face, always happy to see you. On top of his charming personality he is a big sports fan, he absolutely loves soccer, and when asked who he would like to meet out of anyone, it was a soccer player (obviously he is a big fan!). He is one of those people that you know you can turn to for a good time, whether it's a fun night out or an afternoon soccer match. Donor 5062 prides himself on always being in a good mood, and from what we have seen he is truly an amazing person with a happy-go-lucky attitude about life. The most important thing about Donor 5062 is that he is, above all else, generous. He wants to be able to give you the same feeling he has when he looks at his son, and hopes to help others make a similar lifelong connection.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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