Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?I would say my most memorable moment was when I first arrived in America at JFK Airport. I remember being amazed by the simplest things, like speaking proper English rather than broken, tall skyscrapers, how long highways extended, and many other ordinary things in America. None of these things existed in my home country of Anguilla.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I would say that I identify with my mom the most. She's a strong woman who has been through a lot in her life. I have had my fair share of struggles as well, but I believe both of us going through those struggles has made our relationship a lot stronger.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?I admire individuals who can empathize with others during a hard time. Those individuals seem to always be my closest family and friends throughout my life. I seem to always gravitate to people who don't take life so seriously. These are the type of individuals, in my experience, who are positive in every situation. Lastly, I admire individuals who I can have deep conversations with. These are the type of individuals I can talk with about anything on my mind and we'll go on for long periods of time about a topic.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?I would say the funniest thing that ever happened to me was when I got slapped by a dolphin. I was at a dolphin resort with my friends and when we were called over to enter the water, the instructor called me first. I acted like I wasn't scared, but I was. At the time I couldn't swim very well. The instructor told the dolphin to swim near me and I was instructed to lay my hands out so the dolphin could sit right on top. The dolphin laid right on my arms, but I was struggling to stay up, even with the life jacket. I accidentally kneed the dolphin and saw its fin flying right towards my face. I ended up getting lockjaw afterwards. At the time it wasn't funny, but I laugh at it now.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I would travel to China. I love Asian culture. There are a lot of attractions I would love to see, towns I would like to explore, and foods I want to try.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I would pass on to them certain values I believe every human should have. Not judging others is one. Nobody knows what everyone goes through, so making assumptions and judging should be avoided. Another one would be to always remain positive no matter what happens in life. Negativity only drags you down. Being adventurous is a very important value. Trying new things helps you grow as a person and helps you figure what your interests/passions are in life. Those are just a few values I would pass on.