Donor 6220 is very tall and lean, with broad shoulders and a muscular upper body that he keeps toned as a result of his professional swimming career. He has a timeless “All-American” handsomeness, with a full-lipped, playful smile and bright hazel eyes that glimmer when the light catches them. This donor has high cheekbones and a square jawline that are made visible by his lack of beard or mustache; he keeps his face clean-shaven so he can be as hydrodynamic as possible when swimming.
Donor 6220 perfectly exemplifies the virtue of self-discipline. His lifelong dedication to his athletic career has earned him numerous top prizes for swimming and the knowledge that dreams can come true if you put in the work. He is a punctual and concise man, and he considers himself to be a bit of a perfectionist. When he’s not swimming or at the gym, Donor 6220 loves to go on hikes with friends and family. He is an adventurous soul and has plans to travel to South Africa or Australia where he can dive with Great White sharks, a species he greatly admires.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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