Donor 6228 is an attractive man. He has golden-brown, almond-shaped eyes shine with a friendly radiance when he smiles. His silky, black hair is trimmed in a sporty, youthful style that contrasts nicely against his healthy, luminous complexion. This donor has slight cheekbones and a straight, angular jawline that he keeps clean-shaven. His trim build is accentuated by his choice of business casual attire, which he wears with a sense of style.
Donor 6228 is a world traveler, and he tries to visit at least three countries every year. He has a passion for learning about different cultures and histories and has developed an empathetic and generous nature from meeting those less fortunate. His parents instilled in him the ability to identify opportunities and the desire to constantly improve himself. This donor is sunny and optimistic--even when he fails to meet a personal goal, he analyzes the situation and learns from his mistakes. He is laid back and loves nothing more than spending quality time with his friends and family.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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