Donor 5794 stand tall stands tall at 6ft 8in with velvety brown skin and a head full of black ringlets. He has a medium, but muscular physique. His smile is mesmerizing which brings out the gold is his big brown eyes. He is a lanky guy, but he believes his height makes him unique.
Donor 5794 has a calm and temperate personality when you first meet him, but it doesn’t take long for him to warm up to you. His brown eyes and beautiful smile are charming. He is a very optimistic young man and believes that life is too short for you not to live out your dreams and strive for your goals. He loves his family more than anything in this world since his grandmother played a significant part in his life. He loves outdoor activities including a good game of basketball with his friends. Even though he has a coy persona about him, he is a hopeless romantic. His kind of date involves dinner and a movie or cooking a 3-course meal for his significant other.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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