Donor 5490 is in great physical condition. He keeps himself fit and has a well-defined body with broad shoulders and chiseled chest. This donor has a lovely straight nose that is proportional to his face. His eyes are a unique shade of blue that make you want to keep staring. His cheeks are perfectly rosy and complement his eyes perfectly. To top it off, he has a full head of thick medium blond hair as well as a beard that gives him a clean-cut, rugged look.
Donor 5490 is polite and outgoing. He is very talkative and he can easily make conversation with just about anyone. He stays in shape by working out at the gym. He loves physical fitness so much that he became a fitness instructor. This donor leads with passion and makes sure he stays true to himself. Donor 5490 is always driven to be the best version of himself. He obtained an engineering degree and later went on to obtain his MBA in order to start his own business. Aside from working very hard, he enjoys getting together with friends and playing either soccer or baseball. This donor is a great, hardworking person.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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