Donor 6321 is undeniably cute; he has soft dark brown eyes with feathery brown hair. With a medium burly build, he makes his presence known when he enters the room. He can rock the bearded look or can come in clean shaven and look just as good. You can tell he is a go-with-the-flow type guy.
Donor 6321 greets you with a subtle smile and is very charming. Being respectful and open minded are important to him. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with loved ones, hiking, rock climbing, and playing the guitar or piano. During the week he is a software engineer but on weekends he transforms into a culinary artist and chefs up some deserts. He is well traveled and a risk taker. He joined the military on a whim, and it has been one of the best experiences of his life. It opened his eyes to the world, and he has seen a great deal of it. He admires humor, intelligence, and perseverance. Taking one day at a time is his personal philosophy. He believes finding a meaningful purpose requires looking outside your personal needs.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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