Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?Early childhood I would say is attending Space Camp in Alabama. It was the first time I traveled alone, I met a girl, and met people from outside of my hometown for the first time. I learned about everything except space, it seems like. I think many people have similar experiences with summer sleepaway camps of various types. I do recall going to church camp, once, and learning how to pick locks. Late childhood would be a homecoming football game against a team who scheduled us for an easy win. It was their homecoming and that's just who people schedule, but we managed to pull off an upset and my performance got my picture in a regional paper and some scouting letters in my locker. I never managed to gain enough weight to play football in college, but I do keep my letter jacket buried deep in the back of the closet with the rest of the skeletons. My fondest memories all involve my high school sweetheart, though.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I was a latchkey kid and from a very rural area. My dad worked a ton and my mom worked a lot. As I have aged, I have difficulty saying which one I take after the most. I would say my personality and attitude at home most closely resembles my father. At work or in social settings, I am more like my mother.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?Integrity. I have no patience for people who do not attempt to do the right thing.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?My funniest stories I think are a little inappropriate to share, but when I was in undergrad, Willie Nelson came to town and I wrote his tour bus a ticket for parking next to a fire hydrant (I worked nights for the city writing parking tickets, terrible job). A roadie caught me, which was usually enough to make me tear up a ticket, but he was furious and said "do you know who in the hell owns this bus?" I replied "no, but I know they parked in front of a goddamn fire hydrant." This was late at night, and Willie comes out and I say hello and asks if he remembers me. I'm very distantly related to another country singer and have met a few heavyweights when I was a kid, so I had met Willie Nelson and others before. He did not remember me, it had been about 15 years or so, but he did remember my grandmother.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?Time and money are not issues now but I do not think I would travel. I have been around and am a bit disenchanted with traveling. The sights are usually not all that impressive and people tend to be the same wherever you go. I may have traveled for the wrong reasons, however. If I were to go somewhere it would be somewhere quiet with a bar very near to wherever I was sleeping. Preferably during football season of some sort. Gaelic Football, Aussie Rules Football, Rugby, or regular Gridiron Football.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I woud hope to pass on honorable and decent behavior.