Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?My most memorable childhood experience is when I went rock climbing with my family out in Las Vegas, Nevada. On one of our visits we decided to try the real deal outdoor rock climbing. I loved climbing things as a kid, but getting down has always been a tough one. I have a fear of heights, but I have no problem climbing up to a high level.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I most closely relate to my brother who is three years older than me. We grew up together playing sports and always fighting with each other until we were both in high school. At that point we became best of friends and did a lot together. To this day we are close and communicate on a daily basis.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?I admire happiness, honesty and respect. I strongly believe in the golden rule. To me, the world is a better place when you are out there smiling at and/or with other individuals. It is a simple, no-cost gesture that can completely change one's day. I also admire honesty and respect as lying never seems to have a happy ending for either party involved and respect is something I grew up with.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?I do not recall a funniest moment in life, as there are endless funny and exciting moments. I always get a crack out of hanging with my closer brother. We share the same humor and he can be a goofy individual. Also there are plenty of silly moments that have happened with friends that makes it hard for me to pinpoint what was the funniest. They are all happy moments, I do not wish to think which moment was better than all the rest because something good came out of all of them and that is what really matters.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?My dream vacation locations would be Switzerland, Sweden and Germany. Sweden and Germany because my genes come from there. Switzerland because I had a co-worker recently talk to me about places he has traveled throughout his many years on this planet and he really enjoyed his time in Switzerland. Listening to him and seeing his pictures sold me on wanting to visit the place.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?When I have children I would like to pass on to them what it means to have a solid work ethic and to be respectful/polite. I envy respect and politeness and I believe it is those who have a solid work ethic are the ones who are the happiest in life. I believe luck exists only when opportunities meet preparedness. You do not have to be completely ready to go and waiting for something, but if you have a solid work ethic and have an open mind, anything is possible.