Donor 6279’s most defining feature is his voluminous, shoulder-length, wavy black hair that matches his equally thick and dark beard and eyebrows. He has kind, light-brown, round eyes that soften his appearance and balance the rest of his rugged features. He has smooth, fine skin that accentuates his full cheeks and nude-colored lips. He has a tall stature with a lean frame and large, muscular legs. He sports a caramel tan that he developed from growing up in a tropical climate and spending all his free time hiking, mountain climbing, and playing tennis.
Donor 6279 is an optimistic, easygoing individual that enjoys living in the moment and appreciating the simple things. As a young adult, he traveled from his parent country to America on his own in the hopes of receiving a better education. His hard work paid off when he received his degrees and was able to use them to help support his friends and family. When this donor isn’t focused on bettering his education and career, he’s traveling the world and has learned to speak six languages from his time abroad! He loves interacting with the locals and adopting customs from the culture.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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