Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?The first memory that comes to mind is my family’s visit to the Dominican Republic when I was six years old. Among all the other activities during that trip, we went snorkeling off the coast on a boat tour. There was an older gentleman operating the small boat with a kind, weathered face who seemed to have happiness figured out. He decided to let me drive the boat, which I was of course thrilled about. Then, the snorkeling was beautiful with all the colors of the coral and the variety of the fish swimming all around. I was young, and so water got into my snorkel as I was looking down, but that didn't ruin that day. I think that day was the start of my feelings of longing for the ocean.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I closely relate to my oldest sister. She and I have gone through a lot of the same sort of experiences, and we're able to talk openly about pretty much everything going on in our lives. We often chat about our wins in life, just as much as we talk about our hard times. I couldn't ask for a better person for support in my life.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?I admire an individual who is first and foremost kind and warm of disposition. Social skills and leadership would probably be the next most important; it's wonderful to be around a skilled orator. Finally, decisiveness is a trait rarely possessed that is extremely valuable.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?During my college years I worked at a brewery in my hometown that mostly served veterans. I'd started dating my current girlfriend just a few weeks before that, both of us being local to the small town. On a cool September night after having worked there for about a month, I was tending the counter by myself. It was a weeknight, so only a few patrons were sitting around. At that point, an older gentleman with a magnificent moustache and grizzled visage moseyed in and sat down, and I felt compelled to talk to him. I'd been trying to practice my conversational skills, so I was determined to get into it with him, though he certainly resisted at first. I persisted in breaking any silences and started asking him more personal questions, like where he was from, what he did. He said he was from a small village just outside of town, the same one my girlfriend is from. "At last!" I thought, something to connect with, and I mentioned that my girlfriend was from there. He asked her name, saying that he knows most of the folks in town. When I told him the last name, his eye twitched. He said he knew it. Then he asked for her first name, which I promptly told him. Then he beamed at me and said, "You're dating my granddaughter." I was shocked! We both burst out laughing, and sure enough after pulling up her picture he confirmed it. We took a photo together and sent it to my girlfriend, to her great surprise. We talked about her for the rest of the night until long after closing, and he gave me a lot of good advice. He's a real knockout guy, can't think of a better way to have met him than in a bar!
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?More than anything Greece would be my choice. First, Greece has some of the most varied and beautiful countryside of any place on the earth. The beachy islands are a must-see and the culture is so rich, traceable to ancient times. Which is the next point, the immense amount of history that lies in wait there. The roots of all we know and cherish about our philosophy is there, and I believe it's imperative for us to get to know our roots in order to reach a state of fulfillment in life. Not to mention the incredible food!
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I would like to pass on compassion for others, and a desire to create something great wherever they are in life. I don't think you have to be in charge of everything to do great things for people; you can effect positive change daily with a little bit of effort. Sometimes the world can be a difficult place, but you can always find beacons of light if you're willing to look. There is no greater calling, in my opinion, than being that beacon for others who are struggling.