Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?I would say that I have fond memories of any summer beach vacation with my aunt and her family when I was a child. I'm closest with that family and we've made great memories from all sorts of experiences during those trips, and I remember always being in tears whenever we'd leave. It really cemented my love and desire for family and having a strong support system and understanding what family means.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I've always been really close with my second oldest cousin on my mother's side. We're very similar and we had a lot of aligning interests, and we share a lot of philosophies about life and character traits, so it's difficult to pick someone other than her. She and her siblings are very much like the brothers and sisters I never had.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?The most important traits I admire are loyalty and kindness. Intelligence is important, too, but I think loyalty and kindness are above all the most I admire in any individual. Growing up and maturing, I've learned so many different things from so many people and I noticed that a lot of problems with anyone or anything seem to stem from those two qualities.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?I've had a number of things happen to me, but I'm not sure that I can single one out at this time. My family jokes about how seemingly unlucky or random events seem to single us out. I honestly cannot think of a time at this point. I've been around funny things, but I'm not sure that I can think of something funny that specifically happened to me in the way this question is asking.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I’d travel all over Europe and Asia. I wouldn't limit myself, but I would start there. Then I'd go to Australia and Africa, and then South America. Make a round trip around the world. I love language and culture and seeing how other people live and how different they are from me, even in the US. It's always been something that's intrigued me, and the culture of other countries is something I've always enjoyed discovering.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I love the idea of tradition and legacy. I'd certainly want to pass on my values without compromising their own identities.