Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?I can't and won't choose only one experience. In general, I always love being outside hiking and camping in various places and sitting around playing games, laughing, and enjoying the company of friends and family. I would also add that I love to perform, so any musical or public speaking performances that I've delivered and been a part of have always given me a lot of great energy and confidence, especially in those situations where I am part of a team (band) with my friends are the essence of what has enriched my life.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I most closely identify with both of my brothers because I have many things in common with them. The three of us all share common traits and views yet some are shared by two of us and not the other, so it's continually amusing to see how those things correlate. We all support each other through our various endeavors and interests, and share experiences and wisdom with each other. We all three hope someday to start our own company, once our youngest one is ready (he's still in school).
What character traits do you admire in an individual?I admire integrity (being who you say you are), truly grounded morals (making decisions based on integrity and a strong code of morals), a sense of adventure (trying new things and being spontaneous), bold creativity (not being afraid to express yourself offer your unique perspective), open-minded (not judging something/someone before examining by a fair and non-prejudiced process), positivity (trying to find a reason to stay engaged and optimistic).
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?This is extremely difficult to choose. There are always very hilarious situations that come out of any day/night of fun with family and friends. I don't live my life with an archive of "best" or "funniest" things to have happened. There are no awards in my realm of memory or experience. With that being said, I've delivered quite a few funny toasts for friends’ weddings, etc., and I would say after giving those speeches/toasts, and having everyone laughing at the end, are among the funniest things to ever happen to me. Or, when I've been on the receiving end of a toast.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I would travel to every country in the whole world. I find each one interesting in its own way. Every place and culture on earth is unique and worth visiting.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I hope to pass on a strong code of morals based on reality and what humanity truly needs in people and the ability to enjoy life and find the small things to get excited about. I want them to have a sense of imagination and wonder amongst all things occurring in the world. I also would like to pass on the ability to know how to stay healthy, exercise, eat right, and be respectful to oneself and the world and people around us all.