Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?My most memorable childhood experience would be riding bikes with my friends all summer around my suburb town. My town was small with about 7,000 people and very safe, so our parents would let us bike all over for all hours of the day letting us do what we want. I remember for numerous summers in a row me and my gang would go bike to the swim park to swim, the gas station to get snacks, or anybody’s house that we wanted to go to for whatever shenanigans we were feeling like for that day.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I identify with my grandfather the most. In a way he has been the most successful in his bloodline; he put himself through college and taught himself the stock trade to amply provide for his kids and grandkids. My grandfather also has an aged wisdom that I find to be much more refined than other seniors his age. I aim to emulate what he has done and what he stands for.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?Three traits I admire the most are confidence, self-awareness, and intellect. I think confidence is important because it determines one’s ability to assert themselves sternly and with relative ease. Self-awareness is essential in order to navigate life effectively while always presenting yourself authentically. And intellect shows the propensity someone has to grow and develop themselves while reflecting their capacity for in depth critical thinking.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?While I was at a machine gun range during my time in the Army some friends of mine decided to bring out a vape filled with a type of syrup that would get them incredibly high. While we were cleaning our weapons and my friends were smoking the vape our team lead Sergeant came over and instructed them to perform a specific cleaning method on their weapon. Watching those two men attempt to navigate that conversation stoned out of their damn minds was the absolute funniest thing I have ever seen in my life. Stifling my laugh to protect my friends in that moment was also one of the hardest.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I wouldn’t travel at all. I would continue my work to fulfill my dream of becoming a politician and create policy that best secures prosperity and productivity for as large of a population as I can. There is value in seeing the world, but I already spent three years of my life abroad and learned what travel has to offer. Now I need to stay here and work on myself so I may one day have something to offer the world.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I think it would be arrogant to assume I could pass on anything to my children. I believe all a parent can do is raise their child with love and care to the absolute best of their ability while embracing the reality that the child will end up exactly how they were supposed to. It is not a parent’s job to insert themselves into their offspring, but merely optimize the conditions needed so they can become their own complete individual. It’s within that task that the magic of parenting truly comes into being.