Donor 7325 is a laid-back, easy-going man who loves to rock shirts with fun, eye catching floral prints. He has long, curly dark hair that he often wears in two braids. His hair nicely complements his light brown eyes that are alive with creativity. His days spent outside are evident in his sun-tanned skin. When he cuts his hair and is clean shaven, he is often told that he bears a resemblance to Joseph Gordon-Levitt and the staff can see the resemblance.
Donor 7325 is an inspired musician who plays several instruments including the guitar, piano, drums, and banjo. He also enjoys singing, writing, and gardening. He’s deeply in touch with nature and the science that lies behind natural phenomena. He looks forward to someday having a slice of earth to cultivate into a personal paradise. One of the values he finds the most important is when someone is true to their word and follows through on their commitments. He has spent some time traveling and can speak Thai fluently.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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