Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?Traveling with my parents on road trips in the Mediterranean holds a special place in my heart as my most memorable childhood experience. It was during those journeys that I was able to further bond with my parents while enjoying breathtaking views. Whether it was hiking in the mountains, going to the beach or simply enjoying the scenic drives along the coast, those moments shaped my perspective and instilled in me a love for adventure and discovery. The memories of those trips continue to inspire me and fuel my passion for travel.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I closely identify with my grandfather because he has been a profound influence on my life. As a hydraulic/civil engineer, he has not only built essential infrastructure like ports, roads, and high-rises, but also demonstrated exceptional leadership in constructing buildings in seismic regions. His dedication to his work, coupled with his commitment to family, has left a lasting impression on me. I admire how he managed to balance his professional responsibilities with quality family time, often taking me along during his work endeavors, imparting valuable lessons about hard work, dedication, and the importance of family bonds.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?I admire individuals who possess a blend of key character traits that contribute to their overall success and positive impact on others. Firstly, ambition drives them to pursue their goals relentlessly, pushing boundaries and striving for excellence in their endeavors. Secondly, being well-rounded indicates a breadth of knowledge, interests, and skills, allowing them to navigate various aspects of life with competence and adaptability. Thirdly, integrity forms the foundation of their actions, guiding them to uphold honesty, ethics, and moral principles in all circumstances. Lastly, understanding the purpose behind their actions signifies a deeper level of awareness and intentionality, ensuring that their efforts align with personal values and broader objectives.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?During my freshman year of college, some of my dorm floor-mates decided to play frisbee in the hallways. Their game set off the sprinkler system, resulting in an unexpected indoor downpour and forcing everyone to evacuate. At the time of the alarms going off I was taking a shower and pretty much knew that this was a false alarm due to them playing in the hallway. Once I started to leave the shower, I saw water coming from the hallway into the communal shower room at which point I opened the door, and the sprinkler covered me with water. I ran to my room to grab my cell phone and when I came out of the dorm, I saw over a hundred soaked students who had already evacuated. "The sprinkler" story made its way across campus and we had to sleep in empty dorms without bedsheets for several nights while our dorms were being restored. Thank God this happened in September!
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?If time and money were no obstacle, my dream itinerary would take me to Greece, Southern France, Hawaii, and Taiwan. Greece is known for its rich culinary traditions and beautiful islands. In Southern France, I would indulge in the region's exquisite cuisine, savoring fresh seafood along the Mediterranean coast. Hawaii's breathtaking natural beauty, from lush rainforests to pristine beaches, offers endless opportunities for adventure and relaxation. Finally, Taiwan's vibrant culture and culinary scene captivate me.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?The world has become increasingly more complex, and there is a ton of information for the new generation must process. These are some of the key principles I am instilling in my two children. Firstly, a "family first" mindset, emphasizing the importance of strong familial bonds and support networks. Secondly, a strong work ethic, teaching them the value of diligence, perseverance, and responsibility in all their endeavors. This also includes thinking outside the box giving how rapidly the job market is evolving. Thirdly, a competitive mindset, encouraging them to strive for excellence, set goals, and push their boundaries to achieve their aspirations. Additionally, I aim to impart good morals, guiding them to act with integrity, empathy, and respect for others. Finally, critical thinking skills, empowering them to question, analyze, and engage with the world around them thoughtfully and independently.