Donor 6687 is tall and sturdy with beige skin and dark features. His most noticeable feature is thick, straight, and voluminous black hair. His eyes are deep set and are curtained by thick brown eyebrows. He has an oval chin, thick facial hair, slight dimples, and an Adam’s apple. This donor’s personal style is very colorful, yet casual and comfortable.
Donor 6687 loves to experience the world through travel and wants to visit every continent. He also enjoys reading travel blogs and learning about the latest travel news and cultural environments. This donor loves to learn about math and technology and its applications in mechanical work. Donor 6687 has an engineering degree and wants to pursue cybersecurity in the future. He is a firm believer that being honest, disciplined, family-oriented, and a hard worker are the best traits a person could have. This donor is loyal and enjoys spending time with loved ones. He has a deep respect for tradition and prides himself on giving to others in any capacity.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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