Donor 6967 is an attractive man with sandy skin and excited, brown eyes. He usually styles his dark hair short on the sides and floppy on the top. His style is full of fun, colorful, and bright prints and he’s always dressed very stylishly. He has a lovely and shy smile that comes to life when he opens up to you.
Donor 6967 is an incredibly creative individual who expresses that creativity however he can. He is a talented fashion designer and is often commissioned to make outfits. He is thrifty and often uses recycled materials and shops at craft thrift shops to reuse materials as much as possible. He is an avid gardener and has recently started keeping exotic plants and looks forward to seeing them thrive and bloom. He also is involved in local theater programs as a costume designer and recently finished a successful run of a show that he found exhausting yet satisfying.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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