Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?My most memorable childhood experience was my first time seeing the ocean. I was amazed by what I saw: the waves, the sound, the grandeur. My grandpa described me as having eyes wide open and unable to move a step.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I have always been very close to my grandma. She raised me, provided me with resources, taught me manners and dignity, and loved me more than anyone else. Although she was quite strict with me academically, I appreciate her helping me form good learning habits. In addition, I love her cooking.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?The character trait I admire the most is holding yourself accountable, admitting the mistake if mistaken rather than arguing, and being willing to solve the problem. Be strict with yourself but be kind and generous to others. Forgiveness and gratitude are great virtues. I also admire people who are obliging and willing to give opportunities to the young generation.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?There are many, but the most recent one was to visit China in Oct 2023. Due to COVID-19 and quarantine, I couldn’t visit my hometown in China for 5 years. This year I was able to reunite with my family and friends there. We chatted and laughed, the moments were fun and priceless.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?First, I would like to travel to China and spend time with my grandparents. They raised me but I don't spend enough time with them since I live in the US, so I'd like to take care of them until their last days. Then I'd like to revisit Rome, Italy, and Valparaiso, Chile. I visited there during college and was impressed by their art, culture, food, and scenery.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I'd like to pass on Chinese culture as I'd like them to know their roots. I'd like to pass on my views on the world, life, and values to them. They don't need to agree with my views, but I'd like them to use my views as a reference and build their own and hopefully, they end up being more successful than me. In the end, I'd like them to have gratitude, and become useful to others and society, and contribute in their own ways.