Donor 7606 has large, slightly downturned blue eyes that appear greener against his clear beige skin. He has thick, cool brown hair that further emphasizes his light eyes. His beige skin with olive undertones stem from his Greek heritage. He has a wide, genuine smile with straight teeth. He is very physically fit from an adventurous lifestyle that keeps him on the go.
Donor 7606 thrives in the outdoors, specifically the ocean. He enjoys free diving, spearfishing, and he is even a certified rescue scuba diver. His connection to nature is a fundamental part of who he is. This love of nature has pushed him to not only pursue a degree in biology and ecology, but also numerous adventures across the globe from remote mountain tops in Kyrgyzstan to the depths of the Pacific Ocean. Additionally, this donor is extremely driven academically, as he is currently pursuing his masters in analytics.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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