Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?Spending time with my family in the mountains are some of my best memories. My mom is from there and I really enjoy being up there in the winter, skiing, eating great food, and joking around the fire with my family.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I identify most with my father. He is opinionated and driven but can also be stubborn to a fault. I share many of these traits but also have several other qualities of my mother.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?I admire those who have the ability to endure difficult circumstances and continue to move forward and work hard and who can do this while also remaining positive. Anyone who has genuine concern for those around them and makes an effort to better others’ lives has my respect.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?I traveled to Kyrgyzstan in 2019 and went on a backpacking trip in the mountains with my girlfriend at the time, who spoke Russian. We ended up meeting a Kyrgyz family in the middle of nowhere and befriended them. We stayed in one of their yurts for almost a week and followed them around as they herded their goats. I can’t speak any Russian, so I essentially spent the week getting yelled at by the father of the family who was so disappointed by the fact that I had no idea how to care for goats. I could never understand him so my girlfriend spent the whole week laughing at me and translating for him. It was all done in a playful way, and I remember having a great time up there.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I would love to travel more in Indonesia, New Zealand, and the South Pacific in general. I love freediving and spearfishing and this is one of the most beautiful parts of the world in which to do so. I really enjoy anything involving the outdoors, but the ocean is particularly special for me as I have many great memories of time spent in the water.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I would, of course, like to leave them with a stable financial base but in addition to that I am only concerned that they work hard in whatever they do. It’s also extremely important to me that they are empathetic to those around them and make it a point to treat others with respect.