Essay Questions

What is your most memorable childhood experience?A very memorable experience for me was playing in a local tournament at the club's stadium. I was losing in a very close match, and my dad was becoming a bit agitated because my opponent was displaying some unsportsmanlike behavior. Despite this, I managed to come back and win the match, as it was the final, and thus, the tournament. Afterward, I hugged my dad, and he expressed how proud he was and assured me that he would always support my dream of becoming a professional tennis player.
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why?I have traits from both my mom and dad. My dad would do anything to support the family, sacrificing his time, energy, and resources to ensure we had everything we needed. As a married man myself, I strive to do the same and have been able to provide for my wife and our dog. From my mom, I inherited the warmth and sweetness she showed me, and I believe I have those caring and loving traits as well.
What character traits do you admire in an individual?Consistency and determination to follow through with one's actions based on past commitments are crucial. It is not easy to work on something every day, especially when no one is watching. Nowadays, it is easy to be lazy and do nothing.
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you?About a year ago, when my wife and I got our dog, we drove four hours north to a breeder to pick him up. We had only seen pictures of him, and he seemed perfect. On our drive south, we thought he would be able to hold it for the four hours or so. However, about an hour from home, he started moving uncontrollably. I didn’t understand why until he stood up on his two little legs and pooped on me. The funny part was my wife’s hysterical laughter; she could barely breathe, turned red, and her eyes nearly popped out as she laughed while driving. Meanwhile, I was gagging next to her. It was a chaotic drive home, but also hilarious.
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why?I would go to any destination with coral reefs, I would first get a scuba diving certification. Then, I would travel to Australia's Great Barrier Reef, Bali, the Red Sea, and the Colombian Islands—anywhere warm with crystal-clear water. Additionally, I would love to hire a tour guide in major cities like Rome, Cairo, Tokyo, Beijing, and Berlin to learn and understand their histories better.
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them?I would love to teach my children financial literacy, good values such as treating others as they wish to be treated, and good eating habits. I would explain the benefits of fruits and vegetables and the impact of sugar and fats on our bodies. Lastly, exercise is essential; I would encourage them to participate in various sports, not for professional goals, but for social and health benefits in the long run.