What is your most memorable childhood experience? | My mother bought a Nintendo 64 gaming system for me on a Sunday night. Since I had school the next morning, I was not allowed to set it up and play and I was really upset. The next morning there was a huge storm and school got canceled for the day. My brother and I set up that N64 and played from sunup till sundown. I remember that joy like it was yesterday. |
What immediate family member do you closely identify with and why? | I identify most with my brother. My sister is also up there for me, but my brother played a stronger role in my early years because my sister went to boarding school. My brother practically raised me and has taught me so many things in life. |
What character traits do you admire in an individual? | The traits I admire most are empathy, acceptance, selflessness, and honesty. |
What is the funniest thing ever to happen to you? | One time I was playing tag with some friends outside in the park. I was being chased and while I was focusing on who was chasing me, I ran into a tree. |
If time and money were not an issue, where would you travel and why? | I would travel to Spain. I visited once and that was enough to convince me to move there. The country’s infrastructure, food, weather, and language are all fantastic. |
When and if you ever have children, what would you like to pass on to them? | Along with any material items that can help them out, I'd like to leave them with some of the best memories of me that they'll ever have. |