Donor 7273 has a solid and sturdy frame due to his physical activity and labor related to his job. He has thick brown hair and hazel eyes that convey a rugged look. This donor has a prominent mustache which portrays a classic masculine vibe. He has a calm and collected demeanor when it is time to work, but a great laugh and smile when it is time to relax. His celebrity lookalike is the actor Gerard Butler.
Donor 7273 is a down-to-earth, reliable, and hardworking man. He values time with his family and is fond of his memories of fishing with his grandfather. This donor has a natural, easygoing charm and a positive attitude, which can be infectious and helps lift others around him. He is emotionally intelligent, caring, and attuned to the feelings of others around him. Donor 7273 is a big sports fan and loves to try and stay active by lifting weights.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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