Donor 4180 has full lips and a warm endearing smile. This donor's naturally white, straight teeth compliment his great complexion nicely. With a clear, olive skin tone that always has a natural sun-kissed glow, this donor looks as if he would fit into the Mediterranean area seamlessly. Donor 4180 has soft brown eyes that are exceptionally communicative and expressive. This donor has a runner's build: lean but with muscular undertones. This donor's best feature, though, is his gorgeous hair. Donor 4180 has a full head of brown, exceedingly healthy hair that would make any woman jealous.
Donor 4180 is very caring, sincere, and honest. With a deep love for his family, this donor is at his happiest when surrounded by his loved ones. Remarkably patient and optimistic, this donor is able to handle any situation with composure and a smile on his face. Very friendly and outgoing, Donor 4180 always speaks to the lab staff and constantly has fun, entertaining stories to share. An extraordinary artist, this donor is a gifted writer, painter, and sculptor.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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