Donor 4460 has pretty, dark eyes and wears glasses. He has a medium, muscular build which he maintains by running track and playing basketball and soccer. He is tall and good looking with wavy dark hair and an infectious smile.
Donor 4460 has an extremely outgoing personality. He is very talkative and will stay after every appointment to chat with the staff. He discusses almost any topic! Donor 4460 is a very creative individual. Majoring in Art and Design, he will often bring his newest artwork into the office to share. Donor 4460 is also very musically talented and enjoys playing the piano and singing. Lastly, Donor 4460 has a beautiful son and is an excellent father. He actually brought his son into the office once to show off his little pride and joy!
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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