Donor 5017 is a tall, good-looking man who possesses a very approachable air. He has expressive blue eyes which emit a distinct brightness; it is hard to perfectly describe but needless to say it is very attractive. Donor 5017 is an athletic man who can play most sports. This natural ability has resulted in a lean and muscular physique which is evident when he wears his causal athletic attire. Though handsome anytime you see him, when Donor 5017 is in his uniform he is definitely an eye-catcher.
Donor 5017 is an upstanding man with a strong sense of integrity. He is a man who adheres to the traditional virtues of God, country and family. He allows his faith to guide him in being the best husband, father and person he can be. Donor 5017 is also an open-minded individual who reserves judgment and takes the time to assist those in need. He has a good outlook on life and is an optimist in all things. With great poise and class, Donor 5017 always conducts himself in an unflappable manner, which is a testament to his great character.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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