Donor 5109 is an attractive individual with a physique that shows he loves outdoor activities and maintaining a fit and active lifestyle. He is of average height and has defined musculature; his legs especially show defined calves from his commitment to biking. Donor 5109 has beautiful, straight, chestnut colored hair that shines with hints of copper and auburn undertones during the summer. He tends to keep a little length to his sleek hair, but only long enough to keep it styled to the side of his face, revealing his smooth complexion. His bright sapphire eyes sparkle with the same energy he puts forth into his daily life. Of all of his fine facial features, his charming smile is what grabs your attention first. He has beautiful pearly-whites that beam out through his playful smile, displaying his friendly and charismatic nature.
Donor 5109 is compassionate, caring and kindhearted. His desire to help others is the motivation for his plan to build a career in the medical and pharmacy fields. He has high aspirations and goals for his future, and with his dedication and persistence to perform his best he will definitely succeed. Donor 5109 is energetic and playful. He always seems to have plans to do something, whether it is to spend time at sports with friends or to envelop himself in the wondrous world of nature. His commitment to team sports has allowed him to really develop his passion to work with others. Donor 5109 is quite down-to-earth and has a positive outlook on life that is conducive to helping others attain their goals and do their best. He states that for many, it can seem that life isn't fair; however, if you believe that you can do anything and achieve anything, nothing will stop you from fulfilling your dreams.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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