Donor 5343 is very handsome, with a natural olive skin tone and intense brown eyes. He has high cheek bones and occasionally short facial hair. He takes his physical health very seriously, which is evident in his well-toned body. He also takes time with his appearance, often dressing professionally in well-fitting clothes. His thick dark hair is usually carefully styled with a little gel to give it volume.
Donor 5343 spent his college career studying medicine and different health subjects with the dream of one day becoming a doctor. A graduate student who works part-time at a fitness center, he finds great fulfillment in helping people become physically healthy, as well as connecting with them on a personal level. He believes that mental health begins with the body, so by helping others on the physical level, he is also helping them overall. He hopes one day to have the opportunity to travel and experience different cultures.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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