Donor 5057 is tall, dark, and handsome. His bronzed skin and bright brown eyes set him apart from our other donors. He wears his black hair in a short buzz cut that brings out his facial features even more. He has strong facial features that make him appear stern at first glance, and then change drastically to a warm, inviting expression as your eyes meet his. His daily workout routine is evident in his muscular, well-toned physique. Although he is extremely attractive, donor 5057 appears to have no idea how handsome he truly is.
Donor 5057’s big brown eyes are very captivating. He looks like the type of man who is very spontaneous. He appears shy in the beginning, but then you notice that he is quite the opposite. He likes doing things out of the ordinary that surprise you. He loves inspiring others to do things that they wouldn’t normally do. When he comes in, he always has a huge smile on his face and always seems energetic. Anytime he can work a joke into the conversation, he does. His smile and witty humor are contagious and it is evident as soon as the conversation begins. This donor enjoys spending time outdoors, and works out daily. Spending time with his close friends and family is the foundation of his being. He believes that we must enjoy life while we can, since it is so short. He also believes that with hard work and dedication, anyone can be successful. This donor believes that being one hundred percent supportive of his significant other is what makes his relationships thrive. Although I never would have guessed it, he is a romantic guy, and loves taking his significant other out and spoiling her. Under his strong exterior he is emotional, caring, and loving.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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