Tall, dark and handsome, donor 5545 could have stepped out of a fairytale. His large, dark-colored eyes set below a straight, tall forehead allow one to see deep into his kindhearted soul. Full lips framed by a neatly trimmed goatee on a strong chin lets slip a smooth and gentle voice that could soothe even the most savage of beasts.
Altruistic by nature, donor 5545 demonstrates a benevolent attitude. Gentle and kind could scarcely do justice in describing him. His adoration and dreams for his fiancé and the beginnings of his new family are no small secret. He has proclaimed his excitement in regards to his future and family. Donor 5545 maintains a close relationship with immediate and extended family, often expressing the importance of time spent with loved ones. Promoting harmony and love, donor 5545’s message to the world is a positive one.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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