Donor 5674 has a fit, muscular build and lightly-tanned skin that shows his love of sports and the outdoors. His pale blue eyes are cool and inviting, and are framed by full, long lashes. A few small freckles adorn the bridge of his straight nose and cheekbones, and a well-groomed beard accentuates his square, masculine jaw. His golden-brown hair is kept slightly longer on top, and is often gelled into a sporty yet professional style. Donor 5674 is always tidy and well-dressed, a habit he likely picked up while in the military.
Donor 5674 served in both the army and the navy, and in doing so he fulfilled his greatest childhood dream. A highly altruistic man, this donor is happiest when he is helping others solve a problem or overcome personal obstacles. He devoted his college career to studying Psychology and Human Services so that he would be better equipped to help those that need it most. Donor 5674 applies himself fully to any task he takes on, a trait that’s resulted in an impressive array of awards and recognitions for his above-and-beyond work ethic. He lives his life in a constant forward motion, without regret, and without excessive stress for the future. His well-earned confidence allows him to set aside daily stresses and focus on the things in life that he cherishes most--spending time with his wife and young daughter.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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