Donor 6750 is a tall, well-built individual who takes pride in his physical health. He maintains a healthy physique by maintaining a balanced diet and working out regularly during the week. He is a handsome man with a strong jawline and wavy brown hair that complements his sandy skin tone. His big, bright smile ties together his facial features but is also welcoming to friendly faces.
Donor 6750 has lived an athletic lifestyle from childhood through adulthood. In his youth, he enjoyed playing multiple sports including basketball, baseball, soccer, and football. He has a particular love for football which led him into a career as a professional football player. In addition to his athletic accomplishments, this donor is highly intelligent and graduated from a prestigious university. Donor 6750 has a love for the outdoors which leads him to be a charitable donor towards wildlife conservation funds worldwide.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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