Donor 7213 is a tall and athletic man. He has black hair and a very short, trimmed beard. He has kind brown eyes and faint eyebrows. Some folks have told him that he resembles the basketball player Evan Turner. He usually wears glasses and dresses professionally.
Donor 7213 is a very outgoing person. He lives life to the fullest and isn’t shy to share his cheery and humorous self with the world. He attributes his humble and compassionate characteristics to his amazing grandparents, who had a strong influence on his childhood development. He loves the game of basketball and is always eager to learn a new play or strategy. Health and wellness are also a large part of his life because he believes his best self is his healthiest self. Donor 7213 loves spending quality time with his family and isn’t afraid to take an opportunity when he sees it.
To learn more about this donor's personality, see his Personality Test results.
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